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Syncing Your Exercise Regime With Your Menstrual Cycle

Writer's picture: Brooke NeumannBrooke Neumann

Updated: Nov 17, 2020


As women in a masculine world.. we may neglect or be for the most part unaware of our bodies natural cyclical nature. Instead of riding the ebbs and flows of our monthly cycles we push into our rigid routines (set up to fit societies standards), our diet, work, social life and exercise regimes stay constant… while our bodies do not. This can create dis-ease in our bodies.

Just as there are four seasons of the year, during one menstrual cycle we move through 4 seasons with different energetic rhythms - inner winter (menstruation), inner spring (follicular phase), inner summer (ovulation phase), inner autumn (luteal phase), and back again to winter. Each phase holds its own power, with a set of unique physiological changes that allow you, as women, to grow and embody your feminine power. In tuning in to your own personal rhythms through tracking and journaling, and getting to know the strengths and challenges at each phase of your cycle… you step in to a deeper sense of knowing yourself, you become best friends with your body and your cycle, reaching a place where you are able to celebrate the beauty of every season. It takes time and patience, and a touch of surrender, but oh so worth it.

Well… here’s a secret I wish I knew playing sports as a teenager and young adult.. as women we are able to get more out of everything we love (including exercise and fitness) if we work with the cycle of these beautiful bodies.

“The fact is, female athletes are biologically, hormonally and physically different (compared to male athletes), and the sooner that reality is embraced instead of resisted, the more potential exists for that athlete to optimise her training behaviours.”

Board-certified OB-GYN Dr. Jennifer Ashton

One major issue filtered through female professional and amateur sports is amenorrhea, or lack of periods, caused by over training and/or not eating enough. Other issues from not listening to our bodies natural cycles may include painful periods and an increase in painful symptoms for women with endometriosis and PCOS. When this happens, and a women seeks out medical advise from a GP…typically they will get prescribed the pill, which gives fake periods and does nothing to solve the underlying health issue, which risks causing other issues down the track. Ahhh got to love the feeing of being completely ignored and belittled at the doctors office… good times.

Men and Women

A male’s hormones are consistent day to day - men have a hormonal cycle that lasts one day with more energy and testosterone in the morning, less at night (which makes it pretty ideal to perform scientific research on men). Females on the other hand, we are slightly more magical, we sync with the moon, we have a cycle that lasts on average 28-30 days, with less energy during the start and end of our cycle, around our bleed and more energy and to share with the world during the middle.

Historically, research performed on athletes and the effects of exercise in general were limited to male test subjects, which makes sense as women are different day to day, week to week, which limits the amount of control, needed in scientific research, or at least makes it more complicated (too magical to understand for some). So, even as researchers in science and medicine realised women had different physiological differences, the concept of studying them remained too costly and time consuming. As a result, for most professional sports history, not to mention amateur sport (which has a flow on effect from what’s happening in professional sport), women have been trained the same as men. And I don’t know about you but I didn’t receive too much information at school, during my bachelors degree in sports and exercise science, or during my Masters degree in Exercise Physiology on syncing exercise with the female cycle, so how is any coach to know?

A beautiful example of the power of cycle syncing.. Dawn Scott the strength and conditioning coach for the United States National Womens Soccer League - who helped coach the team to win the world cup in 2019, credits the breakthrough use of period tracking as one of the strategies the team used to help them win, after noticing differences in energy levels and recovery fatigue in players leading up to menstruation … Hmmm maybe there is something in here worth studying to complement half the population.


In the first week of our cycle (inner winter), as we bleed, most of us recognise energy is lower. You may feel like you want to curl up on the couch, eat some dark choccy, save your energy.

In the second week of your cycle (inner spring), you may start to feel a resurgence of energy. Ready to get outside and seize the day. Research shows the body is best able to adapt to strength training during this phase (1). As we begin ovulation (inner summer) we may feel like a freaking warrior, energy is at its highest, our skin is glowing, don’t even try and stop us.

And the final week of our cycle, pre menstruation (inner autumn) is time to wind down, get all of our ducks in a row so we are able to sail into menstruation with ease (that’s the goal anyway), PMS symptoms may occur for you, you may begin to feel more irritated and energy decreasing, ready to draw yourself away from social gathering and into your cocoon.

This may trigger some people.. but inner autumn and winter are both great times to avoid caffeine and let your body rest and reset.

The Barriers

We live in a world dominated by masculine energy. There is celebration in pushing and achieving, there is a no pain no gain mentality. Run further, life heavier, push through, don’t be soft.

What I wish I could tell my younger self is you can get more out of training if you sync with your cycle (not to mention the health benefits of working with your body not against it!). Move with these ebbs and flows of energy over the month, we are blessed with inner seasons of outward energy and inner contemplation, which help us grow and expand as human beings.

In order to sync with your cycle, you need to pay close attention to your own personal physical and emotional energetic shifts throughout the months, you must tune in. It can take months to really get to know how your body works throughout your cycle, be patient with it, it is so worth it, think of it as reclaiming your power. (There are many apps out there now used for tracking cycles, energy, and emotional fluctuations during the month, find one that is right for you). Only once you know where your body is at can you meet it where it needs to be met at each phase of your cycle. Altering your diet, activities and exercise type and intensity throughout the month will allow you to maximise the gifts you have at every stage, realising each phase is just as beautiful and important as the next. Rather than feeling frustrated that your workouts are lacking, or feeling as if you’re going backwards despite your hardest efforts.

A *guide*

Days 1-6: Inner winter.

Menstrual Phase

The start if a new cycle, from the first day you are bleeding. Your body has recognised there is no implanted egg, your hormones LH, progesterone and oestrogen are at their lowest, and shedding of the uterine lining begins. During this time you may feel tired, you may experience bloating, discomfort, painful cramps. You may feel like resting… and you should! Energetically this is a time to be introspective, to journal, meditate, do gentle exercise if you feel called like walking and yin yoga. It’s the perfect time to work on releasing what no longer serves you, what didn’t work from the month before. As you shed the lining of your uterus you should also shed negative beliefs, anything that does not bring you joy right now… let it go for this week at least.

It is NOT a good time to smash out HIIT, or load up your weights and go for that PB, or run a marathon.

If slowing down without guilt is hard for you (I hear you sister), it’s worth remembering that by conserving energy during this time, you will likely have a much better cycle and more energised inner spring/summer - where you can get back to smashing goals… if that’s what you’re in to.

Exercise/activities for inner winter

  • stretch

  • walking

  • yin yoga or yoga nidra

  • journal

  • take a nap

  • watch Netflix with your hot water bottle

To Summarise: Inner Winter - Rest and recover. Gentle nourishing movement, get introspective and journal, most importantly be kind to yourself.

Days 7-12: Inner spring

Follicular Phase

You’ve finished bleeding, your body is getting ready to release another egg in around a weeks time, oestrogen and testosterone begin to rise, causing a boost in energy. Hello world. You may feel more of an urge to socialise, this is said to be a time where we are most creative and open to new experiences. You may have an urge to start a new venture or catch up with the girls.

Movement wise you may feel ready for some stronger strength training, more intense cardio, or stronger yoga or pilates classes - there could definitely be a sense of vitality building over the coming days… listen to your body. Ride the new wave of energy. There’s research to suggest athletes may have an improved adaptation to strength training during inner spring - as oestrogen levels begin to rise (1).

Exercise to nourish your inner spring

- strength training

  • Running

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Try a new fitness class

  • Dance class or dance around your living room

To Summarise: Inner Spring - Ride the new wave of energy, strength training may be optimal, get out for a walk or run, try something new.

Days 13- 19: Inner Summer


Summer’s here, you’re ready to roll. During ovulation us women may be at our peak physical and social energy levels. We feel ready to lift heavier, run further, up the intensity. You may feel like you want to take on the world. When we observe our cycle, and honour the previous phases, our inner summer is more vibrant and powerful. You’re probably not even reading this if you’re in your inner summer phase because you’re out breaking a sweat or taking on important jobs. This phase comes with high physical and social energy…an ideal time to grab a workout buddy or jump into a HIIT class.

Research shows that high levels of oestrogen in this week may predispose you to more injuries, ensure you have a good warm up and cool down and as always listen to your body if it needs to slow down (3).

Exercises to take on during inner summer

  • HIIT

  • Running

  • Circuit classes

  • Power Yoga

  • Boxing

  • Pump/spin classes

  • Sprints

Days 18-28: Inner Autumn

Luteal Phase

After the egg has been released, oestrogen dips for a period. Progesterone and testosterone steadily increase during the first half, peak in the middle, and decline if the egg has not been fertilised. Progesterone increases your basal temperature, as a result you burn through calories faster than normal (2), so eat more if you feel more hungry because your body may need it to do its beautiful thing. During this phase take note of how you feel. You may still have a fair bit of energy at the beginning, and it may start to dip toward the end. It is normal to find yourself wanting to spend more time alone as energy begins to dip, we begin to prepare for inner winter. If you have any big jobs coming up try to get as much done now before the sweet embrace of hibernation during the first day (or three) of your bleed. Inner autumn is also the time our ‘inner critic’ is the loudest, so be aware this is normal, and be extra kind to yourself. Activities here become lighter, as we begin to come back toward rest and recovery. If you suffer from PMS it may be nice to take up gentle exercise outdoors, to move stagnant energy through your body and let the fresh air fill your lungs. Working up a sweat may help PMS, also choose exercise you enjoy and don’t have to drag yourself too as your motivation may be beginning to dip.

Exercise examples

- Your favourite forms of exercise

  • outdoor activities

  • walking

  • yoga

  • pilates

  • dancing

  • Important note - this is just a guide*. Maybe a piece to open your eyes to the beautiful cyclical nature of the female body. Every woman is different. As someone who has come from years of pushing through every phase of my cycle I understand my body is burnt out and needs that week of recovery and gentle exercise. Other people may not need to slow down as much. I invite you to tune in. It’s impossible to know what your body truly needs if you’re not slowing down enough to listen to it. Don’t get caught up in the desire to push through (especially if you’re in your inner winter!). This is the most important time to take most of your awareness internally, shut out the external noise, shut down the apps, the comparison, be kind to yourself.

I invite you to think of your cycle as a way to feel a deeper connection to nature. Just as nothing in nature blooms all year round, you cannot expect yourself to either. Take time for yourself to recharge, to sink your roots in to the earth, and prepare to bloom when your body is ready - not when anyone else expects you to.

Much love,


About the Author:

Brooke is an accredited Clinical Exercise Physiologist, yoga teacher and Pilates instructor with a passion for women’s health and wellbeing. Having experienced hormonal issues and a severely delayed menstrual cycle from years of training and competitive sports she has taken a deep dive in to nourishing the female body through lifestyle factors, with a big focus on tools for reducing stress, and education to take away the guilt that surrounds rest and self care.

You can find her on Instagram at


1. Effects of follicular vs literal phase - based strength training in young women

2. Progesterone and basal temperature

3. Association between the menstrual cycle and ACL injuries in female athletes

Inspirational reads

In the Flo: Unlock your hormonal advantage and revolutionise your life, Alisa Vitti

Period Queen, Lucy Peach

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