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Happy Hearted

Writer's picture: Taylor TraffordTaylor Trafford

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

Happiness is one of the most extraordinary feelings that we endure and experience as humans. It is an emotional state of mind that we repetitively have access to in our lifetimes. Each and every person experiences happiness differently. Each and every person looks to particular parts of their lives for their happiness. I am going to share with you some of the interesting aspects I have learned through observing the behaviour of my own individual happiness.

To me, happiness is the aura I embody when I know that my soul is smiling. It creates a sense of completeness in my mind. Within seconds I feel a burst of warmth while my mind whispers to me quietly, “Awe yes, stay right here for a little while.” The motion is similar to a gentle wave in the ocean, its comes over me delicately and purely. If fills my soul with what can only be described as a captivating type of beauty as it hugs my heart with a sense of abundance. It is as if to remind me that I am home after a long, hard search. An instant comfort and serenity. Happiness is a vital source in my life, it controls the direction that I move and it dominates my decisions. It is my ultimate motive, it is my desired destination as well as my compass that guides me. Happiness is unmeasurably beautiful, it provides such a rare and wholesome high. I am endlessly grateful that it is available to us whenever we choose to put effort into awakening it. The amount of effort that you choose to put into your own individual happiness is for you to decide.

Everyday while I move through my life I make a choice to be consciously aware of the aspects amidst my daily routine that spike a sense of bliss within me. I pay attention to my internal satisfaction as well as my external experience. We must start to investigate what happiness feels like to us as individuals, so that we can learn how to achieve it independently. Majority of our contentment is gained externally through experiences which is why we seem to constantly look outside of ourselves for this particular emotion. This is only natural, however it has created a world of humans who constantly crave the kind of happiness that is found externally. Unfortunately, the world doesn't always have happiness to share. We must learn how to access a type of happiness that is developed from within. We must begin to understand what makes us, as individuals, feel content without the impact/participation of other people or significant events.

Some forms of happiness can instantly alter our realities and I cant express how important it is to recognize these moments. I invite you to observe how your internal dialogue transforms during a state of contentment. The parts of life that create a type of paradise in our minds and souls are clues. They are here to help guide us and give us advise or signs towards what it is exactly that awakens our unique sense of happiness. We must invest time into understanding the things that make us feel happy and indulge in what we discover. Through trust and truth we can decipher our goals and our future. We must use our strengths to develop a understanding of what we believe our biggest intentions are within this lifetime. Only then can we, each day, work toward becoming exactly what we feel we were born to be. When we feel that we are moving in a forward motion closer to our wildest dreams we feel like we are complete internally which creates a powerful type of contentment. Create goals and dreams for yourself that are both wild and attainable. Do something everyday that helps you move toward one of your goals. This will help establish a sense of self developed contentment.

I stumble upon the sensation of happiness in many different areas of my life. I find it peaks when I share meaningful connections with wholesome humans. I find it amongst knew experiences and having gratitude for my life and the journey that I am on. I find it in mornings and endless cups of coffee. I find it in recognizing the voice of my intuition like I do my mothers. I find it in listening to what I am being called to follow and trusting where my heart takes me. I find it in expressing spirituality and believing that we all have a path, purpose and divine future created carefully just for us. I find it in taking risks and accepting and overcoming challenges. I find it in kindness, community and helping others. I find it in adventures and exploring places that create new perspectives. I find in in listening and sharing beliefs, I find it in solving problems and loving unconditionally. I find it in writing and expressing myself undoubtably. Although, the most common practice that allows me to endure utter happiness is expressing the deepest and most pure version of myself. Nothing creates such a serene comfort and internal sense of home than embodying exactly who I feel I am meant to be and representing what I believe I am created to do. Being authentic and uniquely myself is ultimately what happiness is to me and that is the answer that I think I have been searching for all of my life. The happiness that I constantly chase to new destinations actually lives inside of me in every destination. I now understand why I always surrounded myself with dramatic change. That is because it creates a type of growth and discomfort that encourages me to be my highest self. However, what I have recently learned is that I have unlimited access to the version of myself that I long to be and I can bring her to life in any place, at any time. I no longer need to undergo major change to become the person I am capable of being. I know that she is embedded in the being of my soul and through certain practises I can awaken her, always. I have discovered what it is that I need to include in my daily routine in order to be my most authentic self. Choosing to put effort into making sure I practise those parts of my life is up to me. When I feel myself growing toward my aspirations and when I allow time to work on myself I feel connected to my purpose. Through being and expressing my wholesome self, I am in alignment with my purest happiness. This contentment is so important to me as it took me a long time to discover how to access it. This contentment is the truest form of happiness that I have ever experienced. It comes solely from within and I have developed my very own unique road map to my internal happy place. Although, this doesn't mean I never get lost, but when I do, I always have with me the knowledge I need to find my way back.

We all have endless access to happiness, but we must understand that it is an emotion that exists wholly within. Our external worlds can boost our contentment, but they do not create ultimate, unconditional inner happiness. It seems that we are all on an endless endeavour and adventure for a state of mind and an emotion, so powerful that it can actually impact how and what we see. Pay attention your emotions and surround yourself with a conscious awareness of what it is that makes you feel full. Make lists in your mind of the moments when you feel happy and develop an understanding for what your unique soul needs in order to feel complete and joyous. Create your own individual technique and guidelines for your own unique happiness. In doing this, you can make a habit of filling your life with things that make you happy. You do not need to pretend to enjoy certain events so that you can be seen as a particular type of person. Allow yourself to be freed from the expectations and pressures of society and indulge in the things that are true to you. Odds are, they are extremely important in your individual life and will lead you towards your ultimate purpose. When you infuse your life with all the aspects of life that make you feel light and blissful, you will develop an understanding of how it feels to embody your best, happiest self. Only after identifying this, can we remain in a constant flow with our truest selves. At the end of the day when we feel we are expressing and living as our most authentic and divine versions, we feel fulfilled. Discover what that means to you. Try looking within for your happy, it can be harder to find but when you do, you will no longer rely on anyone else for assistance with your smile. Happiness has a different meaning to every person, it has a different feeling and a different cause. I strongly encourage you to go below the surface level of your existence and truly listen. No more seeking for what we already posses, instead let us investigate what brings our souls a complete sense of self and ultimate prosperity. This will help lead us to the happiness that we all long for.

So, that brings me to the end of my opinion on finding happiness. I hope that you, as the reader, were able to connect and grow along side these words while digesting them. Your support in taking the time to read my words is unfathomable, I greatly appreciate you and I wish you the most beautiful journey in life with complete internal bliss.

I would like to ask you one question before I go and I want you to really give yourself time to think about the multiple answers that rise in your mind.

What is happiness to you?

xx Taylor Trafford

About the Author:

Taylor is a writer, traveller and free spirit. You can follow along with her journey on Instagram at @taylortrafford

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